A Little Carrot, Indiana Jones, and Granny with Baby: Happy Halloween!

So this weekend, I really wanted to participate in the Blog Blast at Parent Bloggers Network because we had some great costumes.  Well, sure, I’m a little biased, but still, we had a lovely little carrot, Indiana Jones himself, and Granny with a baby on her back.  The latter is seriously the best costume we have ever come up with (thanks familyfun.com), and more people took photos of my son on Friday than ever before.  (And, yes, that did freak me out a bit.)

So, for the contest, we can enter our kids’ costumes in several different categories, and if I had a picture, darn it, I’m sure Granny would have a fighting chance at “Most Creative.”  But since my camera broke on Thursday morning, I have only have one lonely picture of our carrot, taken with my cell phone during his class party.

Since it’s all I’ve got, and because it’s really cute, I’m entering this one as “Cutest Costume, ages 3 and up.”  Surely it has a chance, especially if the little girl who’s mom brought her to storytime in her hand-sewn, to-die-for adorable little skunk costume, isn’t a blogger.  And with all that sewing to do, how could she have time?  (Here’s hoping!)  And here’s my sweet little carrot (the idea was all his, I promise.)  Isn’t he cute?  Cutest?  Right?

If Aimee, Casey, and Tracey–the three fine judges chosen by the Parent Bloggers Network–agree, I could win a gift certificate to Blurb.com, which, clearly, I will need for all the photos I’ll take with my soon-to-be new camera.

4 thoughts on “A Little Carrot, Indiana Jones, and Granny with Baby: Happy Halloween!

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