Wise Words for April: Thoughts on Travel and Prejudice

I’ve been thinking a lot about travel recently—because I like to do it, because I’m not doing it now, and because I will be doing it soon and am very behind in my planning!

the view from our hotel rooftop in Florence, Italy

As such, the theme for Wise Words for April will be just that: travel.

photo taken by my son at the Alhambra (Granada, Spain)

I’ll start this week by posting my thoughts about this quote by Mark Twain:

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”

(from The Innocents Abroad)

It’s a powerful statement, isn’t it?  I’m looking forward to writing about it. I’d love to read your thoughts on it, too. If you’d like to weigh in, you can link up here on Wednesday (details on the Wise Words discussion here).

4 thoughts on “Wise Words for April: Thoughts on Travel and Prejudice

  1. I agree if you travel with an open mind. Most people I know who are prejudiced carry it with them where ever they go. They see what they want or expect to see when visiting someplace new, not what they are actually seeing. Having said this, it can have a profound affect on a person if they actually use their eyes and ears and are willing to learn something new.

  2. Tony – That’s an interesting thought and a sad commentary. I hope most of us do open our eyes and ears; we all have a lot to learn.

  3. Mayberry, We loved the Alhambra. It had lots of historic significance and lots of room for 3 boys to roam. (Don’t you think my son has a good eye for photos?! Okay, I might be a tad biased…). I also recommend visiting the mosque in Cordoba. I’ve been to lots of places and that’s one I’ll never forget.

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