Category Archives: activities for kids

When Is A Shoe Box Not Just A Shoe Box?

Do you have one of these in your closet? Hidden in the back, maybe, beneath an old sweatshirt?
You could recycle it, or use it to store photos. OR, you could gather your children and, together, you could add a few little trinkets, things like toothpaste,

matchbox cars,

and pretty little barrettes.

You could even throw in a little treat, like this:

Then you could follow the instructions here, for Operation Christmas, and instead of an old shoe box bound for the trash, it could be magically transformed into a joy-giving gift.

One look at these faces tells me it’s true: It’s not just a shoe box anymore.

Legos and Kids: The Pros and Cons

Legos are both a blessing and bane in our house.

My kids have been playing with Legos for a hundred years.  Or, maybe, it just feels like a hundred years.  We started with the baby Duplos, progressed to those big bricks (also Duplos?), and have now graduated to the tiny little pieces that make me scream every time I step on one.  From what I’ve heard, I think my feelings about those tiny pieces are akin to the way mothers of girls feel about multiple Barbie shoes.  Ouch.

Lego Pros:

  • Help develop small motor skills
  • Encourage creativity
  • Stimulate that how-pieces-fit-together side of the brain
  • Hours of relatively quiet play

Lego Cons:

  • A bazillion little pieces everywhere
  • Countless completed projects, decorating every level surface
  • Tears when a favorite piece is needed, but is already in use
  • Did I mention the bazillion little pieces?

Despite these cons, we’ve continued to encourage Lego building.   All three of our boys spend hours with their creations.  I know that one day in the future my house will be free of the tiny, painful, little Lego pieces.  The floor will be as neat in the evening as it was in the morning.  No new creations will grace my coffee table.

What a sad day that will be.

A Few More Fun Summer Games For Kids

I recently posted about the 9 summer games my kids like best, Clearly, we should’ve made it 10!  At the end of my post, I asked all of you to mention any we neglected.  

Without question, the #1 game we missed was Capture the Flag – who knew so many kids still played this?  Runners up:  2 & 4 Square (added by Allison, who didn’t leave a link to a blog, but did provide a link on how to play!), Flashlight Tag (mentioned by phd in yogurty), and Kick the Can (suggested by Luanne).  

How cool is it that kids still play these games?  So now let’s talk about grown-ups.  Are you a game player?  Card shark?  Outdoor games?  Golf or other sport?  Do tell!