Category Archives: family

A Few Great Things About Having A Teenager

I’ve written here before about how hard it is for me, at times, to watch my babies grow up.  I want them to grow and become independent, of course.  I love seeing the people they’re becoming.  But sometimes it’s hard to know that their time of needing me, really needing me, is winding down.

I’ve discovered, though, that there are also some wonderful things about kids getting older.  A few of my favorites:

* Laughter.  My son has a great sense of humor.  He gets our jokes, and we get his.  It’s so much different than his knock-knock stage!

* Travel.  When you travel with little kids, diapers, baby food, and naptime all come along.  With older kids your travel options blow wide open.  We’ve biked around an island, kayaked and snorkeled, we’ve hiked miles around Rome for goodness sakes:  older kids are up for the challenge.

* Playtime.  My kids still like to play family board games and want me to get into the pool, lake, or ocean with them.  But the all-the-time, hands-on, never-a-moment-for-yourself time dwindles significantly.  My kids will spend hours throwing a football or kicking a soccer ball with their friends in our yard.  My only responsibility:  provide the snacks.

* Built-in babysitting.  Enough said!

What would you add?

So That’s Why Their Mascot is a Gator!

So about that picture I posted…

This scary guy really is living in the pond in my brother’s new backyard.  I wonder if the former owners mentioned that in the closing?  What would they have said, exactly?  “No problems with the water pipes here, son, but don’t go lettin’ your cats out.  We got ourselves a gator back there. 
My brother, however, isn’t the least bit fazed.  When I asked him about it, he said, “Na, I’m not worried.  He’s not even that big,” he laughed.  “You shoulda seen the huge one we had walkin’ across the parking lot at work.”
From time to time, friends, I may have issues with living in the Midwest. But I gotta say—I’ll take our cold winter over sharing my yard with a gator!
 I realize, of course, that today is April Fool’s Day, but this is no foolin’.  This dude is fo real.