Category Archives: family

Dear Packers, You are breaking my son’s heart

When you are 10 years old and–to the bewilderment of your parents–have lived and breathed the game of football for 8 of those years,

when you count the stats, and live through the Quarterback drama, and watch your team finally make it to the playoffs,
When all of that is true, it is very hard to watch your Packers start out at the “0” end of 17-0,
and it is wonderful to watch them come back to tie it up,
and to to head into overtime.

But it is absolutely heartbreaking to watch them lose just a few minutes later, right out of the gates.

It’s a tough night here at our house.  Those Cardinals better go all the way now.

In A Perfect World

A warm, cozy, inviting home is a wonderful thing. If we lived in a world without complicating factors, like jobs and kids and money, I’d be living on the beach somewhere. I’d be sitting on a porch like this tonight, looking at the sunset (because you all know that in that perfect world I wouldn’t be up for the sunrise) and enjoying a lovely glass of red wine .

In this same fantasy, I’d have plenty of time and money to decorate my home, and I’d be really good at it. I wouldn’t feel woefully inadequate every time I peeked at the Inspired Room or flipped through old copies of Cottage Living Magazine, may it RIP.
In my dreamed-up world, our children would run and play and love the beach as much as I do.

And as a couple, we’d laugh and cry together. We’d be sure to make time to create new memories with old friends.
And no matter what, no matter how many business trips or book proposals or football games or soccer games, we’d always find time to travel and create memories for our family.

Not a bad dream world, huh?