Category Archives: media

Should You "Friend" Your Ex on Facebook?

A few years ago, Facebook was the province of college kids.  Before too long, teens and tweens joined the fray.  Now the rest of us are logging on.

It won’t be long before these girls join, and apparently their grandmothers are already out there.
I’ve written about the pros and cons of Facebook, but until recently, I hadn’t thought about the obvious:  What do you do when your old boyfriend comes a-calling?  Ignoring someone you once knew so well seems cold; becoming online Friends with your ex sounds a bit iffy.
To read more about my take on Friending Your Ex, click on over to my post at Wedded Bliss.
Happy Facebooking!
photo credit:  whiteafrican

Sometimes, I Hate Technology

Seriously, I do.

I love my iPhone, of course, and yes, I know it’s technology, but I prefer to think of it as magic.  Wonderful, happy magic.
I have a blog.  I want to write.  I do not give one hoot about RSS feeds or SEO or Analytics blah blah blah.  I know I should, but dear Lord, how much can one person take?
But no.  After a year of Bloglines updating every time I post, in March it suddenly stopped receiving my RSS feed on a regular basis.  And why?  Is there any rhyme or reason?  Have I crossed some imaginary line, broken some unspoken rule, somehow angered the Rulers of the RSS Feed?
Honestly, I am exhausted even thinking it.
So there.  Happy Saturday, all.

Moms! Here are the Top 50 Most Popular Text Terms

LOL    ILY    JK    NP    WYWH

If your children are little, perhaps you are young enough to be a professional texter yourself.

Although mine are a bit older (although my youngest is still young!), I text often  enough to annoy everyone.  This isn’t my fault, though.  It’s more of a genetic thing, because my mother was texting before I was, so it was pretty much inevitable.
However, I was with a few of my ladies who lunch the other day, and one of them asked about texting.  And twitter.  She didn’t know much about either one.  Since I’m well acquainted with both, they all think I’m nuts, naturally.
Still, it got me thinking.  These women have kids.  With phones!  And without getting into the myriad issues that brings up, let’s just say that as parents I think we have a responsibility to know what the heck our kids are saying on their phones.  And I don’t mean when they’re speaking.
That said, I found this handy reference for the Top 50 Most Popular Text Terms, by Erin Jansen.  These are 50 of the most popular, and therefore fairly tame.  If you want to know more–including lots of sexual references–pop on over and check out the site.  There are several other lists that you may find, well, revealing.
Afterwards, let’s all go check our kids’ phones.