Category Archives: perspective

Off My Game

Have you ever noticed how often life gets in the way of Life?

I think I need one of those Vision Board things.  But, you know, I’m always little skeptical about things like that.  First of all, really?  Cut pictures from magazines and your dreams come true?  Second, I don’t know, something about it rubs me the wrong way.  It just doesn’t seem right, somehow.
I know, right?  I have enough random guilt for all of us.  So you’re absolved.  Go get your posterboard and clip your pictures and make your dreams come true.  You’re welcome.
Also, on an unrelated note, my dog eats paper.  And flip flops.  Socks, too.  He deems teddy bears a tasty treat.  But look at him. Maybe I should just buy more paper.
And, finally, that money tree I planted in my back yard just WILL NOT grow.  What is going on around here?
I know, you’re still looking at my dog.  Cute pup, isn’t he?  We love our Finn! 

My Favorite Assembly Did Not Include Lindsay Lohan

In the sixth grade we had my most favorite assembly ever.  It was far better than the here’s-how-the-body-works and the here’s-what-drugs-do-to-you assemblies we were forced to endure in later years.  No, this one, fun day we all gathered together in the cool of the gym to watch…The Parent Trap.  I loved it.  Loved it!  It remains one my my favs today.

So, a few years back when Hollywood decided to replace the fantastic Hayley Mills with little Miss Lindsay Lohan, I didn’t like the idea one bit.  Remake my favorite childhood film?  So wrong.  How could they?

But they did, and I’ll just go ahead and admit that I think they did a fine job.  Yes, they changed a thing or two, but I was very pleasantly surprised to find that they kept the essentials and stayed true to the feel of the original, in my fancy movie watching opinion.  And Miss Lohan?  I thought she was perfect in the role.  Just perfect.

I liked her in Mean Girls, too.  She had it going on, that one.

So I’m sad to watch her self-destruct like this.  Seriously, sweetheart, get your act together.  There’s a great big world of life out there, and you’ve got all the extras…you just need to get a grip on the basics.

My boys?  They like the Parent Trap, too, but I don’t think they’re as attached as I was.  So as long as Daniel Radcliff doesn’t go off the deep end, they’ll be just fine.

Shaking things up…

photo credit: Duchamp
I have a love-hate relationship with routine and structure.  It goes something like this:  I love it.  And then I hate it.  See how that works?
I have a friend who mops on Wednesdays and does laundry on Fridays.  Every week.  Same old, same old.  I absolutely love that she knows her floor will be clean enough to fold laundry on by Wednesday night.  I hate that we can’t have coffee on Friday because she’s folding her darn laundry.
See, it’s the flexibility thing that gets me.  (Except on Monday nights, when I play basketball.  No flexibility there.  Sorry, I’m busy.  Every Monday.  Every week.)

It’s no different with this blog.  I love the idea of having a plan for each week, as lots of you do.  Meals on Monday, photos on Wednesday, Fabulous Finds on Friday.  But what if we go sledding on Thursday?  And I get awesome pictures that you absolutely must see?  On Friday?  Ack, the dilemmas are endless!
So here’s what I’m thinking.  I’ve cooked up a plan, a sort of schedule if you will because, you know, my blog should have a rhythm.  (Wait, isn’t that for my Catholic friends?  No, no, it’s a joke.  Don’t email me!)  But I reserve the right, on any day, in any week, to pull the old switch-er-roo.  You’ll be expecting some sage parenting tip and instead you’ll get photos from a bygone vacation, because I wish I were there right now. 
Seem fair?  It’s my blog, after all.  I can break the rules if I want to.  Right?
Should I tell you my plan?  Ohhh, that’s a big commitment, to put it out there like that.  Hmmm, not sure.  What do you think?  Will sharing my plan help me stick to it or result in the spontaneous combustion of my head from the pressure?  Do you have a plan, a rhythm, for your blog?  Other thoughts?  Do tell.  Please.