Category Archives: pets

Starting to Get the Shakes: I Can’t Find My Camera!

Remember that post I wrote about having a place for my things? Well, I do. I have a cabinet where I keep my camera, the videocamera, both cases, and any randomly related objects. Here’s the problem: my camera’s not in there.

It’s been two and a half weeks now without a camera, and I’ll be darned if I’m buying another one yet. I know it’s here. Or there. It’s somewhere, I just can’t put my hands on it.

It all started the weekend we found out our beautiful Labrador, our faithful pet for 13 ½ years, had liver cancer.

I don’t really want to talk about that now, other than to say that I had the camera on his last day, because I have the pictures to prove it.

And I had my camera here in my house, because I loaded them onto iPhoto. The following week is a bit of a blur – back and forth between our house and our cottage, breaking the news to the kids, trying to deal with our own emotions.

The camera was the last thing on my mind.

Except now it’s missing and it’s on my mind all of the time. I can’t get a picture of anything, and it’s driving me nuts.

Do I buy a cheap one, at Costco, for the interim? How long do I wait until I concede defeat?

I already had to borrow one last weekend, to take pictures of my son on his 13th birthday.

What’s around the corner? Football, soccer, and the first day of school for starters.

Oh, where could it be?! I need that camera!