Category Archives: marriage

4 Simple Ways to Say I Love You

Showing love comes easier for some than others, wouldn’t you agree?  If you’re one of those people who are all hugs and kisses and moonbeams, it’s probably easy-peasy for you.  But for the rest of us, those who are still wondering what moonbeams are and how to find them, it can be a bit more difficult.  Our culture doesn’t encourage showing love as much as it encourages lust.  Don’t believe me?  Take another look at those Super Bowl commercials.  Funny, yes.  But if we want to help our kids demonstrate love, we’re on our own.  

Here are a few things our family does to share the love:

The Video/DVD:  I’ve received these for various occasions, including Mother’s Day and my birthday.  The one I received for Mother’s Day remains one of my favorite gifts of all time.  My husband and the boys created a Top Ten Things We Love About Mom video, which, as you can imagine, brought tears to my eyes.  And as much as I enjoyed watching my precious boys act out the things they loved about me, I understood that this was also an act of love from my husband.  You can’t have a better Mother’s Day than that.

The Scrapbook: If you’re the type that faithfully records your family events in a scrapbook or album, or if you worship at the alter of Creative Memories, you get this one immediately.  Putting together a small scrapbook to celebrate an occasion, a special year, or a trip together is a great way to demonstrate love. What if you don’t have a crafty bone in your body?  Not to worry.  Simply upload your photos to a site like Blurb.  Slide and drop the pictures onto pre-formatted pages, and they’ll print a lovely hardcover scrapbook for you.  You’ll never even have to go near a Michaels.

The One-on-One Date:  When my third son was born, I realized that time alone with each boy was a valuable commodity.  To make sure life didn’t pass us by, we scheduled monthly “dates.”  These dates don’t have to be expensive or complicated.  Sometimes we take a board game to the café in Barnes and Noble, buy some treats, and play for an hour or so.  Other days we ride bikes around the lake.  Occasionally we go out to dinner, just the two of us.  I remember one meal in particular, a dinner at a Chinese restaurant with my oldest son.  As I sat there, enjoying the conversation and watching him order General Tso Chicken, I could see him growing up before my eyes.  It’s one of those moments that’s burned into my being.  Sometimes we have to step out of the ordinary routine to really experience our kids and love them where they are.  

The Take-A-Break Gift:  Let’s face it.  While we all love our families dearly, there are times when we need a break.  We need an hour, a day, a weekend, some tiny bit of time all to ourselves so we can regroup and recharge.  I have one friend who’s really good at this.  The rest of us fail regularly.  Spouses who understand that a little time alone is good for the soul are worth their weight in gold.  One of the biggest investments we can make in our spouse’s well being is to help him (or for him to help us), take this time.  (Yep, I’m working this angle for a weekend away.  Of course I am!)

The thing about love is that the old adage is true:  Actions do speak louder than words.  It’s so nice to be told, “I love you,” but so much more powerful when it’s accompanied by action.

This post was written for Parent Blogger’s Network’s blog blast.  They’re collaborating this week with LIFE, a non-profit Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education.  Check here for other great posts about love.

photo credits:Joe Shlabotnik, petit hiboux, donger, superash, fresh head films, and BeccaG

Valentine’s Day: Take It or Leave It (But Keep the Piña Colada)

So Mommycosm is off in Aruba, and I’m sitting here with several feet of snow outside my door. That person—the one who said “IT’S NOT FAIR,” was absolutely right. But, hey, I’m not one to begrudge a girlfriend some time in the sun. As long as you raise a glass to me while you’re living large, I’ll raise one right back. Preferably one with a little pink umbrella sticking out of it. And maybe a pineapple…

How on earth is this lovely beverage related to my feelings about Valentine’s Day?  To find out, click on over to Mommycosm, where I’m guest posting today while she works on her tan.