Category Archives: nostalgia

Instead of 25 Random Things About Me

I’ve been tagged for the 25 Things thingy quite a few times.  But last week, I saw this on Marilyn’s blog, and I liked it.  I really liked it!  Since she stole it from Randi, I’m going to steal it from her.  Instead of 25 Things, you get 15, but I just love how you have to find your answers in Photobucket.  So, that’s why I’m doing this one, if you must know.

If you want to play, be a good blogger and follow the rules:

1.Go to (don’t sign in).

2. Type in your answer to the question in the “search” box.

3. Copy the html and paste for the answer. 

Here Goes Nothin’!

1. What is your relationship status?

happily married. Pictures, Images and Photos

2. What is your favorite color?

Blue Wave Pictures, Images and Photos

3. Who is your celebrity crush?

Adrian Grenier Pictures, Images and Photos

4. What will you be doing tomorrow?

bulletin Pictures, Images and Photos

5. What is your favorite Disney princess?

cinderella Pictures, Images and Photos

6. What would you splurge on if you won the lottery?

beach Pictures, Images and Photos

7. What was the last thing you bought?

Groceries Pictures, Images and Photos

8. Where is your dream vacation?

palm tree Pictures, Images and Photos

9. What cell phone do you have?

iPhone Pictures, Images and Photos

10. What do you want to be when you grow up?

11. What do you love most in life?

family Pictures, Images and Photos

12. What is your favorite food?

Wine Country Trattoria Pictures, Images and Photos

13. What is your least favorite food?

MUSHROOMS Pictures, Images and Photos

14. What is your favorite dessert?

Key Lime Pie Pictures, Images and Photos

15. What is your biggest fear?

EVIL Pictures, Images and Photos

What I Want My Son to Know

Before I had you, my life centered around me. Time was a commodity and I spent it doing things I enjoyed: working at a great job, eating at fun restaurants, and reading good books.

When you were born, the center shifted and it was dramatic. As I held you, my first tiny baby, in my arms, I was overwhelmed with the responsibility of being a parent. I was overwhelmed with the responsibility of the road ahead. Instead of seeing the world through the lens of my own wants and needs, my peripheral vision intensified. I was suddenly and deeply aware of how my choices would affect you – you as a baby, as a boy, as a man.

I was overwhelmed, too, by the less significant things: the laundry—which seemed to triple with the addition of one tiny little being; the food—scheduling, and preparing, and feeding; the sleep-deprivation—enough said! Little did I know that your schedule had only begun to affect mine.

Fast forward:

3 boys, 3 schools, 3 book fairs (fall and spring), 3 parent-teacher conferences (fall and spring), 3 PTO meetings (every other month), roller skating parties, birthday parties, soccer practice, games, tournaments, football practice and games, basketball practice and games, yoga, Pilates, updating the scrapbook and the list goes on. The laundry and grocery still need my attention. Writing and speaking take time; lots of it. And don’t forget the fun stuff: foosball, darts, Barnes and Noble visits, dinners out, dinners at home, Yahtzee, dates with dad, and time with my friends.Here’s the thing, sweetheart: there isn’t enough time to do it all, and there isn’t enough time not to do it all. Before I blink you’ll be living in a dorm. You’ll get a job and you’ll marry a wife. You’ll have kids of your own and then, slowly, you’ll begin to understand all of this in a way that you just can’t until that day comes.And I will have time to spare.

So until that day, I balance these things the best I can. On good weeks, I plan ahead. I know on Monday what’s for dinner on Friday, even if the plan is eating out. I have a load of laundry in before you go to school and you get it folded before you head out to practice. The other weeks, I wing it and it’s not always pretty. But either way, we eat together, we play together, and we enjoy time together as a family. These are the moments of balance. The rest is just life, flying by, whizzing more quickly than I could’ve ever believed.  I wouldn’t miss participating in it for the world.


This week’s blog blast is about motherhood and balance (or the lack thereof). This post about was written for Parent Bloggers Network as part of a sweepstakes sponsored by BOCA.