Category Archives: Uncategorized

My Mom…

…is funny.  She cracks me up on a regular basis.

…is tidy.  Please, people, make your bed.
…really is the Hostess with the Mostess.  Really!
…appreciates manners.
…takes care of property.
…loves my kids to pieces (and always makes sure they brush).
…is more sensitive than she wants to admit.
…is a good listener.
…is great at taking care of sick kids.
…could beat a drug sniffing dog with that unbelievable sense of smell.
…is an extraordinary map reader. (Thank you for passing on that skill!)
…likes to skip the highway and take the back road.
…loves her family.
…loves to sing barbershop.
…doesn’t like people in her business.
…wishes I lived closer.
Seems like I should’ve saved this post for Mother’s Day, but why wait?
How about your mom?

Small Space Living

A few things I love about crowding into our almost 150 yr old cottage during the summer…

* Less space to scrub, mop, and dust.
* No room for excess junk we don’t need in the first place.
* Our ‘regular’ house seems huge when we return.
* Everything else us smaller, too: water bill, electricity bill, etc.
* We spend more time outside.
* We spend more time doing things together.
* Less space to scrub, mop, and dust.

How about you? Anything you love about smaller living spaces?