The Morning Shift

So it’s come to this:  kids in shifts.  No, honey, not the dress kind of shift.  I’m talking about the we-all-have-to-be-at-school-at-different-times kind of shift.  This summer, we enjoyed lazy morning that didn’t really get started until close to noon.

We played at the beach,


took dares on the tube,


raced go-carts,


and ate lots of cake.

Here’s what morning looks like now:

Yep, that’s me.  That’s my basic disposition after getting my 6 year-old up at 6:40 and out the door at 7:15.  That’s how I still feel when I wake my 12-year old at 7:15, to get him outside by 8:05.  And, I must admit, the bear is  still hanging around at 7:40 when I wake my 9-year old, the most difficult of the bunch to rouse—he’s been blessed with my early morning chipperness—and walk him to his bus at 8:20.

How long until summer break?

And, on an entirely different and less-bear-like note, can you believe it?  It’s been a whole year out here in blogland.  Happy Blogoversary to me!

6 thoughts on “The Morning Shift

  1. Congrats on surviving a year in blogland!

    I can’t believe you can get your boys fed and out the door in that short of time. Only my oldest goes to school and we need at least an hour to get awake and fed and dressed!

  2. Happy blogoversary! Many more to come!

    I am a bear in the mornings too, and generally am until about 10 am. Right now we don’t have a reason to get up early, so I can’t imagine how bear-ish I will become when I have to get children up early for school!

  3. Oh…I SOO do not evny your mornings. I thought I had it bad getting five out the door at the same time! I get that 15 minutes of chaos and then it’s done. I can’t imagine getting them up one at a time. I will pray for that to become easier!!!

    Happy Blogoversary!!!

  4. Happy Blogoversary 🙂

    I am with you on the morning thing, I am frustrated that I have to be on my kids CONSTANTLY in the mornings, it stresses me out keeping them on task. Come 8:45 (drop off time) I bet I always sigh a huge sigh of relief – seriously.

    And the #8 cake – the cutest thing EVER! Can’t wait to make one for one of mine someday 🙂

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