Art for Kids of All Ages

So I owe someone an apology.
When a certain someone came up with idea for our city to have an art contest, I scoffed. I may have thought, to myself of course, that it was just like a privileged rich kid, all grown-up now, to have nothing better to do with his time than concoct some kind of art contest. “Phooey,” I may have uttered.
But life has always had a fine way of showing my when I am wrong, and I am not afraid to confess that this is one of those moments. The art downtown is spectacular, the crowds are fantastic, and the sheer coolness of the entire event has me apologizing for my formerly skeptical thoughts.
Here are a few of the incredible artistic creations we perused this weekend:

And that moose? He’s made of nails.

Thanks grown-up, possibly not so spoiled, but definitely privileged rich kid. I have to hand it to you: fantastic idea.
Don’t you wish your town had some grown-up rich kids with time to think of cool ideas like this?

One thought on “Art for Kids of All Ages

  1. I'm SO glad you guys went to ArtPrize! I thought that you would like it, we've been down 3 times and we still have so much to see.
    People always get the wrong idea about the DeVos's, but I graduated from highschool with Rick and I can say from a first hand experience that they are a very nice family…and really, what would GR be with out them, right?

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