Homemade Holiday Gifts that Rock: Hard Tack Candy and Homemade Caramels

When I give candy at Christmastime, it’s truly a gift from the heart. My Aunt Jo used to make hard tack candy every year, and grabbing a handful was near the top of my list when my family made the trek north to visit.  Later, in college, my girlfriend Missy’s mom sent us a box of homemade caramel during midterm exams.  I think I ate most of the box.  When I graduated, I got myself a fancy Williams-Sonoma cookbook (I was living in California, after all) and gave the caramel recipe a whirl.  It was HARD.  Really.  The next time I saw Missy I mentioned her mom’s caramels and she told me how easy they were.  Huh.  I came away with the recipe and a great homemade holiday gift idea.  The hardest part is the wrapping, for sure.

Hard Tack Candy

  • 2 c sugar
  • 2 c water
  • 2/3 c white Karo corn syrup
  • ½ t oil flavor (NOT extract)
  • food coloring
  • powered sugar
You’ll also need: a candy thermometer.
Grease the bottom of an 8 x 11 or 9 x 13 cookie sheet.
Stir together sugar, water, and corn syrup.  Cook on medium stovetop temperature until the temperature reaches 310°.  (This takes quite awhile – usually over ½ hr for me).  Remove candy from heat.  Stir in desired flavor (I use cinnamon, peppermint, etc. and always leave one plain.  Then, I coordinate the color with the flavor).  Stir in desired color quickly and thoroughly, then pour onto a lightly greased 9 x 13 cookie sheet.  (I use a smaller one for slightly thicker pieces.)
Wait just a few minutes until the edges start to harden.  Cut into pieces with kitchen shears.  It will be HOT to handle & is best to do with a friend so you can work quickly.  If you can’t get it all cut by hand, let it cool completely.  Cover with plastic wrap & hit pan on counter, or twist to break.  These pieces will have sharper edges than the hand-cut pieces.  Put the candy in a bowl and sprinkle with powdered sugar to keep them from sticking.
Mix the colors and flavors together in mason jars, tie with a festive bow, and your gift is ready to give.

Easy Homemade Caramel

  • ½ lb (2 sticks) butter
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 c sugar
  • 1 c white Karo corn syrup
 You’ll also need:  waxed paper, cut into squares and a candy thermometer
Grease the bottom and sides of a 9 x 13 pan.
Melt all ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat.  Stir constantly over medium/high heat until the temperature reaches 240.  (On my stove, this takes around 25 minutes.)  Remove from heat.  Add 1t vanilla.  Pour into well-greased 9 x 13 pan.  Cool caramel, then turn out onto cutting board.  Cut into bite-sized pieces and wrap in squares of waxed paper.
Put these wrapped-up gems in a cute little container and say Ho! Ho! Ho!  Merry Christmas!
Other Homemade Holiday Gifts that Rock:
If you have additional ideas, leave them in the comments section, with a link.  I’ll post links to great homemade gift ideas on Friday.

2 thoughts on “Homemade Holiday Gifts that Rock: Hard Tack Candy and Homemade Caramels

  1. MMMM…caramel! I adore getting homemade candy treats…but I still have 6 lbs to lose before New Years…so I better stay away from those recipes…because I know I'll eat half of it 🙂

  2. thank you so very much for sharing these recipes! The hard tack candy sounds great, but I'm not sure I can get the oil flavor…where do you find that?

    I'm really looking forward to trying the caramel recipe. I have one that I've used twice, but they always turn out so soft. I think that's mistake for not heating them enough, but I would still like to try a new recipe.

    Thanks again!

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