So Many Blogs, So Little Time

How does she do it?

That’s the universal question, isn’t it?

We wonder how the mom of 4 under 4 changes all those diapers and wipes all those noses and still finds time to laugh with friends and run a mile or two.

We wonder how that perfectly coifed woman, the one with the great shoes and superb outfit manages to run both her household and an entire division at the office.

We wonder how moms make all of their food from scratch, sew clothes, find time to shop, find time to eat, find money for extras, hit the gym regularly, stay thin, comb their hair, find time to make play doh with their kids, etc, etc.  You can name more, I’m sure.

And I can add this to the list:  how on earth do you keep up with all of the interesting, funny, heart-wrenching, informative blogs out there?

Once upon a time, I had a short list.  I suppose I still do.  Those favs I discovered early on are still the ones I check in on first.  But every time I read one, I find myself click, click, clicking to read another.  Today I added two more to my already bulging feeder.  But when will I ever find the time?

Seriously, I’m looking for time management tips here.  How DO you do it?

2 thoughts on “So Many Blogs, So Little Time

  1. I don't know the answer, but I'll check back to see if anyone else does. Especially since I got an iPad…I sit on the couch while my husband watches TV at night, and I sit there for hours just clicking and reading. I follow blogs like they're soap operas. I've followed a few blogs where the women were pregnant with babies with detected birth defects and I follow them through the birth (or death) of the babies. Oh my gosh, it's heartbreaking, but I can't seem to stop reading!

  2. I sometimes do as Lynne does and read on my iPad in the evenings or when I am waiting around somewhere. I have had to crack down–used to spend too much time reading during work hours. Using a reader helps me plow through more stuff because I can skim and skip posts.

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