Shopping and Service: This Season’s Unusual Partners

So it’s the time of year for SALES and BUYING and GIFTS!!!

Is anyone else worn out by the 8000 emails coming your way, offering “up to” 60% off, but rarely on the item you (or your kids) are coveting?

I’m just about done with my shopping, and I’ve only been to one actual store.  If I could marry online shopping, I think I might.

While I am a happy gift-giver, I also find myself walking a fine line, that thin parenting line between buying the gift I know my child will love, and helping that child to understand that Christmas is about much more than gifts.  He knows this, of course.  But to feel it, to truly understand it, is entirely different.

Towards this end, I’m searching for something new this year.  Not a gift, but an opportunity.  Like many of you, our family has participated in various charitable acts throughout the years.  But this year I’d like my kids to be able to participate more fully–not just choosing gifts for another family, or donating the money they’ve saved up to give away during this time of year (we will do those things, too), but to serve someone in a tangible way.

Ideas, parents?  Have you done something hands-on with your kids to help them see the bigger picture?  To help them truly comprehend that giving really is more rewarding than receiving?  If so, I’d love to hear your ideas.  Comment away!

One thought on “Shopping and Service: This Season’s Unusual Partners

  1. If you want your children (and you) to touch a life, and get the same in return, visit the children's ward in a medical facility. No, not just any hospital, and not just any children's section. One where the children aren't just waiting to get better. But one where they are just hoping to survive. Trust me, the rewards on both ends are worth it. And your children will walk away with a whole new perspective.

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