A Dog’s Life

This pretty, pampered dog is staring at me right now.  He’s peering at me from his princely perch onmy sofa and waiting for me to pet him. Or serve him.  Or whatever it isthat princely dogs expect.
And this dog?  He’stired.  He just wants to sleep.  Willyou people cut out the racket, please?  Hesaid that, he did, I swear.

Wait.  You didn’t knowmy house was a kennel? 
Ah, well.  This week it smells like one, but the truth is that out here in suburbia we are limiting thepack.  These lovely dogs are just visiting for the holidays.
We do have one sweet pup of our own, one year-and-a-half bundle ofenergy and goodness who’s feeling a bit down right now.  Here he is, hiding in his kennel. 

Why the dog reclusiveness, you ask?  No one can be sure, of course.  But I’m going to venture a guess, an I’ve-had-dogs-for-years guess:  He’s pouting.  Look at him.  It’s a classic puppy pout:  the big dog won’t play (too old, too tired) and thelittle dog is allowed on the couch (spoiled pretty-boy).  Nofair.

Life’s tough sometimes, isn’t it?

4 thoughts on “A Dog’s Life

  1. My dogs have it made here too. The little weiner dog gets a lap to sit in almost all the time. The husky is just as spoiled. Oh to be a dog!

  2. I'm not a dog owner, but I see definite similarities between what you've written about them and what I see everyday from my kids. And your dog moping in his kennel? That's totally my toddler, jealous of his baby sister and always trying to goad his older brother into playing with him. 🙂

  3. So, did I ever tell you about our cats? The cats we imported to Japan from China at great expence (Japan is the second most stringent country in the world for pet imports). The cats that my husband regularly buys fresh tuna for? Whom are the proud owners of a god-awful cat palace in my living room (at DH's insistance), whom we make little beds for at night next to our space heater? Okay, the moral of this story is tough lives are not only for dogs. 🙂

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