Hitting the Pause Button…on Blogging. Thanks, Blissdom.

Happening around here this week…

  • My son has been driving me around, from Target to Costco and beyond, practicing with his permit.
  • My other son is away at a sleepover camp, and I heard he’s already downed 7 blue slushies.
  • My littlest boy tried out for a soccer team for the first time ever. Even though he made a team, I tryouts at this age make me shudder.
  • My great-grandma in-law is turning 90 and dealing with dementia.
  • My mother had surgery. (She’s doing fine, thanks.)

Post-worthy topics, all of these.

There’s so much to say. So much to share with and learn from all of you.

But I’m not going to post about any of these things.

This past February, I attended Blissdom, an information-packed, fun-filled, swag-fantastic blogging conference. I’d been taking an online writing class from Meagan Francis and several of my classmates at Blissdom, too. I met Danielle and Sarah and Doña and our fearless leader Meagan; I met my editor at Babble; I listened to the wise words of Jon Acuff and Jeff Goins and Michael Hyatt.

And by the way…Michael Hyatt? He’s a rock star. If I turn out half as solid as that guy, I’m golden.

The speakers challenged me in so many ways, but most of all they challenged me to go deeper. To write what I love. To be who I am. It sounds wishy-washy and woo-woo-y and obvious, I know, but I promise you it’s not.

It’s about using this one short life intentionally. It’s thinking about the end of my life and what I want my family and friends to remember. It’s thinking about if that happened, right now, what they really would remember—and making changes while I still can.

It’s thinking about what matters most.

I’ve been blogging for several years about kids and life, reading, learning, travel, and more. So much more. I’ve found friends and a community I never realized existed. I treasure all of that.

But today I’m hitting the pause button. I’ve ramped up my freelance writing for magazines and businesses, which is fantastically fun. It also means I have deadlines in addition to a family and friends. And yoga. And playing basketball. And travelling. You get the picture.

I’m taking a few months off from blogging, but I’ll be writing more than ever. You can still find old content by clicking the words in the cloud on the left—it’s not going anywhere.

And in the meantime, if you need a writer or speaker, by all means, holla.

2 thoughts on “Hitting the Pause Button…on Blogging. Thanks, Blissdom.

  1. I’m sure this will be a fantastic, no regrets decision! Good luck going deeper and writing all the stuff you were meant to write. It all takes time and, as you say, it’s “one short life.”

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