Category Archives: friendship

Simply Joy Sunday: 3 Things I’m Thankful For

I’m feeling thankful today, so I thought I’d join Heather’s Simply Joy Sunday.  Obviously, I’m thankful for my family and all things related—good health, good choices (mostlyJ!), and good relationships.  So what are some of the other things in life that bring me joy?  Here are today’s top three:

  1. I’m thankful for friends.  For someone who’s lived up and down both coasts, and in a couple of states in the middle, friends rank high on the list of things that bring me joy.  Holly (Wisconsin), Kathy (Washington), Missy (California), Debbie (Massachusetts), and Samantha (Pennsylvania) could all be long lost strangers by now.  Instead, they continue to fill my life with joy year after year.  They rock.  Not to mention the friends closer to home, whose names I don’t dare put on the Internet—you know who you are. You rock, too.

  1. I’m thankful for Facebook (see number 1)  Yes, you read that right!  Although Facebook can be a huge time drain, it has allowed me to reconnect with friends I haven’t seen in FOREVER.  Kara—from high school!—just friended me last night.  Jen—who I haven’t seen since 1989—was one of the first people to find me.  How cool is that?  I loved these girls and life just took us in different directions.  At least now I can peek in on them and see how they’re doing.  It always makes me smile. 

  1. I’m thankful we have plenty of snacks for the Super Bowl.  At first glance, this seems to have nothing to do with friends, right?  Think again.  I’m thankful both that we have the resources to be cooking up chili, and cornbread, and hot wings today, but also that we’re sharing them with our friends & our kids’ friends.  Go Steelers!

That’s my Simply Joy Sunday folks.  Hope you’re finding joy in life’s little things, too. 

40 is the New 30, Right?!

As you have all heard, 40 is the new 30, right?


And this week, two people near and dear to me are rapidly approaching the new 30. So, in honor of both of them, I give you some thoughts about friendship and love.

No, really, I’m not gonna get that sappy. Instead, how about some photos of when they weren’t even the real 30 yet? Now we’re talkin’!

(That’s all of us, pre-kids, enjoying the sunshine at Half Moon Bay.)

Happy birthday to Missy, one of my oldest friends (and by oldest I mean that I’ve known her a long time, not that she’s getting really, really, old).

(Oh, the sweaters, the hair!  It’s almost painful.)

(But what a beautiful bride!)

And to Greg, my oldest husband.

(As handsome as ever, in Sausalito.)

(Waaaaayyyy back when…fraternity bid day!)
And the best news about getting older:  look what we have to show for it!
(There’s actually one more, now, but I didn’t think it was right to photoshop him in!)
Happy Birthday you two.  I love ya!

Good-bye, good friend

There’s a blog out there, and I’ll be darned if I can remember which one it is—I looked, I promise—that uses something like “changing my header is cheaper than therapy” for it’s tag line.  (If you know which blog this is, would you please post it in the comments?  Then I’ll add a link!)  Whenever I read her blog, I think, “What a clever subtitle,” but now that I’ve actually changed my header, I beg to disagree.  Well, cheaper, maybe, but easier?  Arrghh.  For those of you out there, and there are loads of you, I know, for whom this whole HTML thing is a breeze, well, I bow down, because I have pulled out many, many a hair just trying to do S-I-M-P-L-E things.  I find it beyond frustrating.  This is one of the reasons I use Blogger—more time writing, less time figuring all this tech stuff out.  It’s also the reason I don’t have a lot of cool buttons—because by the time I got them all up, I’d be bald.

At any rate, if you’ve been around for awhile, you know that the former header was a photo of me with my kids, and my friend, Barbie, with her kids.  

This blog began as a joint collaboration, with both of us doing postings and updating recipes, quotes, etc. on the side.  As time went on, it worked out that I wrote the posts and Barbie did the other updates, as well as providing some very cute Wordless Wednesday photos and Hip Mom Interviews.  Barbie and I are also collaborating on a book about homeschooling and we decided that it makes more sense for us to spend our joint time working on the book than the blog.  (Who knew a blog would consume so much time?!)  So now you’ll just find me here.

Barbie will be busy homeschooling her youngest and developing more of the book.  But you can see her again, take heart.  Just begin praying that a publisher picks up our book and when that happens, she’ll be in there, too.

I’ve had a great time working on the blog with her and will certainly miss her input.  Thank you for everything you’ve done, Barbie!   And, if you’re a fan of the recipes and quotes she updated, well, sorry, I must admit that’s not my forte.  But I’m going to point you over to Kitchen Playground, because she posts great recipes, and is so far beyond where I will ever be in the food preparation area that I’m sure you’d much rather see what’s cooking in her kitchen than mine.  As for quotes, you’re on your own.  Google, I guess.  I’ll leave you with one of my favorites, for old times’ sake:

“As water reflects a face, so a man’s heart reflects the man.”

-Proverbs 27:19