Tag Archives: quotes

Can Travel Change the World?

When I think about where to travel next, I think of this quote by Susan Sontag:

“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.”

I’m smiling now, just reading her words.

Here are a few protests I hear against travel:

  • It’s too expensive.
  • It’s too difficult to plan.
  • I don’t have anyone to watch my kids.
  • There’s plenty to see here.

To which my responses are:

  • Travel doesn’t have to be super expensive. Yes, it costs money. But if you can afford to hit the amusement park and go out to dinner, it’s do-able.
  • It’s not difficult. It can, however, be time consuming.
  • Take your kids with you!
  • Have you seen all of it?

I have a dear friend who has no interest in international travel, and I simply can’t get my mind around that idea. But even if you’re with her, travel doesn’t have to mean cafés in Europe or safaris in South Africa. It doesn’t even have to mean flying on a plane. Some of the most beautiful places in the world are right here in our country. If you’re willing to drive, you can find them.

I’ve written (too much?) about my perceived benefits of travel: travel with kids, without kids, travel as a kid.  And I didn’t even mention the obvious: to relax and enjoy ourselves without the weight of our usual day-to-day responsibilities. And although relaxing is important, my experience is that it’s rarely the sole benefit of time in a new place.

There are so many different cultures and landscapes right here in our country, within each region, even, that I’m not sure we can ever experience all of them. But my biggest argument for trying is this: Compassion. Understanding. Grace.  It’s a big world, filled with millions of people’s lives and thoughts and experiences. Imagine what it would be like if we all learned from each other.

I’m not sure if travel can change the world. But I know it can change your life.

Agree? Disagree? Why do you travel?

“You can either practice being right or practice being kind.” – Anne Lamott

About ten years ago I was talking with a friend about relationships and she said, “Sometimes it’s more important to be kind than to be right.” She probably didn’t even know she was paraphrasing Anne Lamott.

Right up until that very moment, I’m not sure I’d ever considered this idea before. But my friend’s words stuck with me because, you know, I really like to be right. I like to win.

photo by Melissa Gray

But Anne Lamott’s words add an interesting twist: you have to practice this, she says, one way or the other. What would it mean to practice being kind, instead?

Here’s where I must admit that I’m hard-wired to argue certain points, although I didn’t always recognize this about myself. When I was 23 and living in San Francisco, in the midst of a deep discussion with my good friend, John, I declared, “I don’t think I’m a very opinionated person.” (Because, really, does that seem like a positive attribute?) “Well,” John posited, “how do you feel about x, y and z?” naming three topics that were near and dear to my heart. That wasn’t fair! The issues John mentioned were important ones. Shouldn’t I have an opinion on those?

That conversation with John got me thinking. Yes, I decided, I should have an opinion on issues I care deeply about. But it’s what I do with those opinions that matters. And this is the fine line. How do we balance what we believe to be true with being kind to others and living authentically?

For me, this came down to another clichéd truisum: Choose your battles.

Here are a few areas where I think I’m right but that aren’t worth arguing about: when the dishwasher should be emptied, how laundry should be sorted, & where to buy gasoline (Costco!). These are small things, but if I gather enough of them into my quiver I’ll be shooting arrows at my loved ones all day long.

my super cute lab puppy

There are bigger things, too. For example, I try very hard not to offer advice unless it’s solicited. Even then, I’m careful to balance my personal philosophy with real life because, guess what? Not everyone has to live by my rules. This is shocking news, right? I might think, for example, that you should only buy Labrador Retrievers because they’re beautiful, and friendly, and hey, who minds a little shedding here and there? But if you show up with an ugly, mean dog, I won’t say a thing. If you ask, I might bring up the mean part, but definitely not the ugly. After all, it’s your dog. Maybe you think he’s gorgeous, and really, how does that matter? I’m going to assume you’re as smart as I think you are, which means you already know he’s mean and ugly and you love him anyway.

The thing about being “right” is that it often assumes a baseline philosophy, and there’s no rulebook that says your baseline is my baseline. You might, in fact, think it’s absolutely wrong to pay good money for a purebred dog when there are so many dogs in shelters that need a good home. Touché. That’s your baseline and as far as I can tell, we’re both entitled to our own.

It takes time and practice to learn when to let an issue go and when to push. It takes time and practice to learn that we don’t always have to be right. And with enough time and practice, maybe we can even learn how to advance our viewpoint on issues we deem important, while we still practice being kind.

What do you think about Anne Lamott’s wise words? Let me know in the comments & add a link, too, if you’ve written about it on your own blog.

Wise Words: Be Right or Be Kind?

Last week, I wrote about George Washington’s advice that “‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.” Mayberry Mom and Velveteen Mama weighed in with thoughts of their own, and I think we all generally agreed on this: we need time alone and it’s hard to come by.

This week, on Wednesday, I’ll be writing about these wise words by Anne Lamott:

“You can either practice being right or practice being kind.”

photo by Melvin Schlubman

Oooh, it’s a good one, right?

Can you relate to this quote? I’d love to know if you try to apply this idea, if you’re successful (and if so, how?), or if you generally disagree with it.

You can link up with your thoughts on Wednesday (details on the Wise Words discussion here).